This information below will help you with the most important step in you marketing strategy for your company in the Exhibitions. It will help also to differentiate yourself among your competitors.
Did you know that there’s scientific evidence that, instinctively, most visitors turn right when they first enter the fair?
Therefore, we have been keen on Rama Concept to share this information with you to achieve great success in choosing your stand’s location in the next exhibition that you will participate in.

First things first!
Three factors that will condition the choice of your exhibition space:
- your budget
- the sector of your company.
- The size of your booth that you need to build.
- the services or product that you need to show.
What should you consider?
Variables dictated by the type of venue
You have probably already visited a fair. Then, you know that normally, the venue is divided into a large reception area and the exhibition area, with wide and long corridors, which gives that grid feature to the fair.
Depending on the site, it can have two floors or several pavilions. Everything, absolutely everything, affects the final price of the space that you rent. For instance, exhibiting on the first floor will always have a higher cost. Likewise, the price will also vary depending on whether it is an interior or exterior space.
That is why it is important that you know, among other things, which are the best hot spots of the venue.

Hot Spots
- Near the entrance (I said “near”, not stuck to it. Depends on the competitors location).
- next to main traffic routes: passing areas
- rest and leisure areas, such as bars and restaurants
- next to spaces for conferences, demonstrations or special activities
Architectural elements such as columns and pillars that obstruct the visibility of your stand;
The entrance. Although it may seem tempting, the fact is that these tend to be areas where – mostly in large fairs – people accumulate and get nervous about getting to the main areas… so, if your booth is located right in the entrance, people may simply pass by…
Marketing strategies
Situate yourself next to your competitors and other companies of your sector is positive, because the visitors that come to that area are already doing it with a predisposition; they’re interested in your type of products or services. This is what we call a favorable public.
Keep in mind that nowadays, most fairs already divide the exhibition space by sectors, since it is more comfortable for the visitors.
Stand size and relationship with other stands
Once you have chosen your area, you must choose what type of stand you need. The types of stands that exist, according to their location, size and position regarding the other stands, are the following:
Island: it happens when the stand doesn’t share any of its sides; which means that it can be accessed by the four sides (4 aisles). These are usually the most colorful stands, the biggest and of course, the most expensive ones. The minimum measure is around 36m2 (387 sq ft).
Peninsula: connected to another stand only by a wall, which is usually the back wall. Although they may be somewhat smaller than the island stands, they also occupy the best areas of the enclosure.
Corner: are those that remain on the edge of an area and share two of its walls with other stands. Its size can vary but, generally, are economic and can be located on areas of variable traffic.
Interior: these stands share three walls with their neighboring stands, so that they have only one access. They’re the smallest spaces that we find in a fair, and of course, the cheapest ones. They’re spread all over the venue, so getting a good place will depend on how quickly you reserve your space. They usually measure at least 9m2 (97 sq ft).

Again, setting goals: the golden rule!
It is a good idea to contrast your needs with your budget. It isn’t worth it, for example, to book a huge space if you really don’t plan to build a big and attractive booth.
Surely, with these tips and examples, you’ll find the perfect exhibition space! And, when that happens, remember that in Rama Concept we can help you to design & build a creative stand that can attract the targeted audience.
Request an order now. Contact with us and tell us all the details. Based on that we will provide you a quotation with best price. Call us now!